18-Year Old Yulia Viktorovna Has The Face of an Angel But A Strength World Champion Body Builder

At first glace her face looks like an angel that fell from the sky, or better yet a life sized barbie doll But don’t let her beautiful face deceive you look closely and you will notice that she has a body of a man and a strength of a champion.
Yulia Viktorovna proves that being strong is sexy and being sexy is a choice not an acquisition at first she just wanted to gain strength and confidence by performing light weight exercise and lifting but as time went by she excelled in her newly found hobby and loved it, as she advanced even further she loved what she was doing and after months and months of dedication to weight lifting and exercise her body quickly transformed as to what it is now comparable to the strength of a male body builder.
Both women and even men admired her, she is cute and lovable at the same time scary and strong says a group of female fans, as for the men who admire her, female dominance is sexy quoted by some male admirers. While having an admirer definitely is inspiring she also has some critics and critics says that she wasted all her years trying to build a body of a man, while actually having a female body critics says its an insult to feminism around the world, she simply responded “Iam happy and contented with what I have achieved, there is nothing wrong with following my dream”